Management and prognosis of non-mucinous appendiceal neoplasms.
Ruiz Pardo J, Gras Gómez CM, Estébanez Ferrero B, Gorostiaga I, Sánchez Fuentes PA, Martín Cano J, Vidaña Márquez E, Reina Duarte Á
Aorto-enteric fistula: our experience at Puerta del Mar University Hospital from 2012 to 2023. Case series.
Martínez Ingelmo C, Valverde Martínez A, Astudillo Reyes P, Izquierdo Cid JL,Conejero Gómez MR
Multidisciplinary prehabilitation in patients undergoing abdominal wall surgery.
López-Cantarero García-Cervantes M,García Bretones MM, Martínez Carrillo M, Cisneros Ramírez A, Oehling de los Reyes H, Romera López AL, Mirón Pozo B
Robotic approach to locally advanced splenic flexure tumor.
Lobato Bancalero L, Arrebola L, Mokachir Y, Martos N, Álvarez MS, González J,Ortega A, Roldan J, Fernández F
Corporocaudal pancreatectomy with splenic preservation (warshaw technique) in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
Roldan J, Lobato Bancalero L, González Cano J
Surgical treatment of recurrent Dieulafoy's disease.
Aparicio López D, Montoro Huguet M, Santolaria Piedrafita S, Ligorred Padilla LA, Casamayor Franco C
Non-pathological spontaneous rupture of the spleen.
Gallardo Navarro E, Signoret Limiñana N, Gomez Lopéz JM, Tirado Cortes A
Small bowel gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) mimicking a pelvic mass
Chinelli J, Hernández G, Rodríguez G
Surgical guidelines for complicated umbilical hernia in decompensated cirrhosis.
Ovejero Gómez VJ, Bermúdez García MV, Gutiérrez Vásquez R, Pérez Martín A, Morales García D
Clinical features in perforated intestinal non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Ovejero Gómez VJ, Bermúdez García MV, Pérez Martín A, Morales García D
Traumatic femoral artery pseudoaneurysm due to chronic intravenous drug use.
Esquer García MF, Orduño Trejo R, Avilez Arias JM, Hernández Sandoval EA
Complicated jejunal diverticulitis: infrequent cause of acute abdomen
Rodriguez Sanz MB, Valentín-Gamazo González I, Onecha Vallejo M, Aguado de Benito A, Louredo Méndez AM
Intrathoracic gastric perforation in the context of giant hiatal hernia TYPE III.
García Redondo M, Ruiz Pardo J, Martin Cano J, Sánchez Fuentes PA, Vidaña Márquez E, Reina Duarte ÁJ
Bowel obstruction secondary to undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of the ascending colon.
Ruiz Pardo J, Vidaña Márquez E, Berenguel Ibáñez MM, Sánchez Fuentes PA, Martín Cano J, Reina Duarte Á
Gastrointestinal obstruction due to Rapunzel’s Syndrome: Laparoscopic Approach. A Case Report.
Blanco Vargas J, Hernandez Sandoval EA, Avilez Arias JM, Esquer García MF
Acute abdomen due to streptococcus pyogenes in a male with a history of abdominal trauma and oropharyngeal infection.
Pérez Reyes M, Sánchez Díaz AM, González Sánchez AJ, Qian Zhang SÁ, Santoyo Santoyo J
Emergent surgery after voluntary ingestion of caustics.
Rubio García JJ, Marco Gómez M, Viñas Martínez T, Paredes Segura A,Villodre Tudela C, Ruiz de la Cuesta García Tapia E, Ramia Ángel JM